As this unforgettable year closes, the Black Economic Alliance would like to thank you for your ongoing support. Although 2020 presented unimaginable challenges, BEA is proud to have been a force advancing long-overdue progress on racial equity.
Far too many Americans have lost loved ones, jobs, businesses, homes, and financial security; and sadly, there is more loss to come in the short term. Nonetheless, BEA is inspired by the unprecedented opportunity to make generational progress narrowing the Black-White wealth gap. BEA is committed to driving private, public, and nonprofit organizations to translate their racial equity commitments into action and results in the new year and over the long term.
Below are a few of BEA’s major accomplishments from 2020. We can’t do this work without your help, so we look forward to continuing the growth of our organization and its impact with your support in 2021.
- The BEA PAC raised over $4.5 million to support BEA-endorsed candidates and Black GOTV initiatives that helped drive the largest voter turnout in American history and a significant increase in Black voter turnout from 2016—with 90% of Black voters supporting the Biden-Harris ticket
- The BEA PAC bundled over $2 million to support the Biden campaign, helped form the Racial Equity pillar of their Build Back Better economic plan, and continues to advise the transition on placing Black appointees and prioritizing racial equity in economic policy
- BEA helped draft, socialize, and lobby a $12B provision of the recent coronavirus relief bill led by Senator Mark Warner, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Congressman Greg Meeks that will provide crucial emergency funding and long-term investment to community development financial institutions and minority depository institutions, materially improving access to capital for communities of color over the short and longer terms
- BEA hosted more than ten speaker series events to elevate the national conversation about the inextricable link between the economic state of the Black community and the health of the entire U.S. economy
- In partnership with two leading HBCUs, the BEA Foundation built a Black entrepreneurship program that will launch in 2021 and create a new ecosystem of opportunity between the investment community and more Black entrepreneurs
- The BEA Foundation launched partnerships with Goldman Sachs, Capital One, the Ford Foundation, GRoW @ Annenberg, and other philanthropic partners to drive programming, research, and policy development that will improve work, wages, and wealth for Black Americans